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Category: Community Life

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Best Dogs for Seniors: Find Which Breed Fits Your Lifestyle

A close-up image of a small dog lying on the lap of an older adult in senior living.

As life unfolds, companionship is a source of unwavering joy and comfort. The bond between a senior and their loved ones enriches life every day. But friends and family don’t always have two legs—sometimes, they have four. For seniors, dogs offer companionship, support, and joy. Some of the best dog breeds for seniors include: Poodle […]

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The Benefits Of Living in a Senior Living Community

A group of seniors in a community laugh and play Jenga together.

Growing older brings many changes, among the most significant of which is deciding where to live. For many seniors and their families, this decision can be emotional. Yet, choosing to move into a senior living community can profoundly impact daily life in the best ways possible.  Living in a senior living community enhances quality of […]

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What Is a Continuing Care Retirement Community?

A group of 5 senior men and women sitting together on a couch laughing and having a conversation in their independent living community

Aging in place is ideal for many older adults, but factors like medical needs, socialization, and memory loss can get in the way. As we age, our care needs fluctuate and we may require more support.  A continuing care retirement community helps seniors find the right balance of independence and care.  Senior living communities are […]

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What Are the Pros & Cons of Living in a 55+ Community?

A senior couple using a laptop to research the different retirement community options available to find what best suits them

If you’re considering retirement and looking into options for your future, you may be wondering about the benefits of a 55+ community.  Moving into senior living can be a tough choice. Still, it’s often an attractive option for older adults, especially those who want to live in a community with people in a similar stage […]

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