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Category: Senior Living

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Top Amenities to Look for in a Senior Living Community

3 seniors play bocce ball on a beautiful summer afternoon in their community.

Choosing a senior living community is a significant decision. For families and seniors seeking the perfect fit for lifestyles like independent living, understanding what amenities and services to prioritize can make the process smoother and more rewarding.  At The Villages of Farragut, we believe in creating an environment where residents feel supported, valued, and enriched […]

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Best Dogs for Seniors: Find Which Breed Fits Your Lifestyle

A close-up image of a small dog lying on the lap of an older adult in senior living.

As life unfolds, companionship is a source of unwavering joy and comfort. The bond between a senior and their loved ones enriches life every day. But friends and family don’t always have two legs—sometimes, they have four. For seniors, dogs offer companionship, support, and joy. Some of the best dog breeds for seniors include: Poodle […]

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Tips To Help Manage Your Finances as a Senior

A stressed older couple at home reviews their finances.

Navigating the world of finances can be challenging at any age, but for seniors, it often means adjusting to new realities. Whether it’s managing a fixed income, dealing with healthcare costs, or paying for senior living, managing finances effectively is crucial. To manage your finances effectively as a senior, consider creating a detailed budget, regularly […]

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10 Ways to Boost Mental Health While Aging

A senior woman meditating in the midst of nature to boost her mental while aging.

Our mental health becomes increasingly important for our overall well-being as we get older. Seniors often face unique challenges as they age, such as retirement, loneliness, and declining physical health, all of which can have a negative impact. However, by taking proactive steps to boost mental health, seniors can improve their daily activities, relationships, and […]

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